Thursday, 16 October 2014

Definition of Games

We had an interesting lecture today in which we spoke about ways that we can try and categorise games eg genre - platformer.

We looked at Newman's studies and he often referred to Roger Caillos who categorised, Paida and Ludus.

     Paida - This is when a player effectively plays a game for pleasure.
     Ludus - This is more constrained by rules, with is clear outcome (winning).

Newman decided to dive deeper and narrow the field from Caillos's work, he called these categorise Agon and they contain the following:

     competition - Sports games
     Alea (chance) - Lotteries, Casinos
     Mimicry (Simulation) - Carnival, Cinema
     Ilinx (Vertigo, Movement) - Mountain Climbing, Skiing, Tight Rope Walking

This caused some controversy amongst our group in what games fit into what sections and why. This actually increased the interest and made it evident that many games tick multiple boxes.

I wanted to do some research and use games that I have played to see where they fit in. Using the material given above I will give my opinion in what the developers wanted to achieve and as a player, how I perceived them.

One of the first game franchises that sprang to mind was Burnout. The main game was a racing game in which the aim was to come first. This clearly ticks the boxes of Ludus and Competition. However I felt the developers wanted to embrace the common Paida aspects to their game and gave players rewards for when you came close to hitting traffic mid-race, They also made mini games where you have to cause as much destruction as possible and were given a monetary value for the chaos you have caused.

Next I want to talk about the Assassins Creed franchise. I feel this game focuses on the Ludus area. The developers want you to experience their world and continuously direct you to explore further and although there are goals, you are free to continue with the story as you see fit. I also think this is an Ilinx style due to the high climbing, as a player you get a real feel of the vastness of the world you are in.

Last but not least we have Guitar Hero. In my attempt to think of games I have played that fit into the categories mentioned, this game jumped to the forefront of my mind for the mimicry (Simulation) area, I think it's fair to say that this is a Ludus game and with the avatars and background incorporated with the play style, You are simulating a guitarist in a band playing at a gig and you can control the vibe of the crowd.

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